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S35E Draken Spanigsnos
Reconnaissance Nose Conversion


Maestro Models, 1/48 scale


S u m m a r y

Catalogue Number, Description and Price:

Maestro Models item K4801 - S35E Draken Spaningsnos / Recce Nose for Hasegawa

135 SEK (around USD$18.95) available online from RebellHobby website

Scale: 1/48
Contents and Media: See descriptions below
Review Type: FirstLook
Advantages: Well detailed and cast; simple replacement
Disadvantages: No reference instructions for the wing camera apertures or canards
Conclusion: High quality conversion for Hasegawa's excellent Draken

Reviewed by Mick Evans

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F i r s t L o o k


Swedish company Maestro Models has produced a simple 1/48 scale conversion to produce the reconnaissance version of the Saab Draken – the S35E.  This set designed for the new Hasegawa 1/48 scale J35 Draken kit. 

The set contains a single perfectly moulded resin part to replace the nose of the Hasegawa kit. 

Some minor surgery of the kit is required to install this conversion set.  The assembly process should be relatively easy as the main part is a simple replacement.

Several holes have to be drilled into the lower front section of the Hasegawa kit for the underwing camera openings and a similar hole will need to be drilled for the aim opening just behind the nose cone. 

Unfortunately, Maestro does not provide any drawings nor instruction for these openings so you will need to check your reference material.  The instructions also do not tell you which Hasegawa kit canard parts are used for this conversion.  Hasegawa provide 2 canard panels with canon apertures and 2 canard panels without canon apertures.  I would presume that the reconnaissance version would be unarmed. 

The camera openings may be painted black and then filled with a disc of clear plastic card or Krystal Kleer. 

A common configuration for the S35E was to have an external load of four external fuel tanks.  These are available from Maestro Models so there is no need to buy a second kit to obtain the extra tanks.

Overall, this is an excellent conversion from Maestro models and only a moderate level of modelling experience is required to install the set.

Thanks to Maestro Models for the review sample


Maestro Models accessories are available from RebellHobby website

Images and Text Copyright © 2008 by Brett Green
Page Created 2 October, 2008
Last updated 2 October, 2008

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