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S35E Draken Fuel Tanks


Maestro Models, 1/48 scale


S u m m a r y

Catalogue Number, Description and Price:

Maestro Models item K4804 - Fuel Tanks for S35E Draken

135 SEK (around USD$18.95) available online from RebellHobby website

Scale: 1/48
Contents and Media: See descriptions below
Review Type: FirstLook
Advantages: Well detailed and cast; simple replacement
Conclusion: High quality accessory for Hasegawa's excellent Draken

Reviewed by Mick Evans

HyperScale is proudly supported by Squadron.com


F i r s t L o o k


Maestro Models from Sweden has produced a simple addition set for building an S35E reconnaissance Draken. 

The parts are beautifully moulded in a light grey coloured resin.

The reconnaissance version was often fitted with four fuel tanks to extend the range.  Maestro’s release now means that you don't need to purchase an extra kit to obtain the extra two fuel tanks 

Maestro states that they are also useful for making the air-to air rocket pods used on J35 Draken.  To make these you just drill a hole in the back of the tank (for the rocket exhausts) and paint the front end green. 

The set is designed for the new Hasegawa J35 Draken kit.  The set contains 2 resin tanks that are identical to those supplied in the Hasegawa kit. 

This is another excellent accessory from Maestro models and only a moderate level of modelling experience will be required to install the parts.

Thanks to Maestro Models for the review sample


Maestro Models accessories are available from RebellHobby website

Images and Text Copyright © 2008 by Brett Green
Page Created 18 November, 2008
Last updated 18 November, 2008

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