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Squadrons! No. 10

The North American Mustang Mk.IV In Western Europe


S u m m a r y :

Catalogue Number, Description and ISBN:

Squadrons! No.10 – The North American Mustang Mk.IV In Western Europe

ISBN: 978-2918590-70-5 (Paperback)

ISBN: 9782918590-69-9 (e-book/e-pub/kindle)

by: Phil H. Listermann

Contents & Media:

Soft Cover, A4 portrait format, US Trade Paper Binding, 39 pages, 30+ photos & 5 colour profiles. Also available in PDF, EPUB and SRC digital format.


Digital format available on-line from RAF-In-Combat.com for €9.95 for PDF, €6.50 for EPUB & PRC, and US$13.95 for Paperback.

Review Type:

First Look


Covers the operations of RAF Mustang units rarely published.


None noted


This series is quite specialized in nature with its focus firmly on squadron usage - hardly surprising given the series’ title! The booklet gives a good insight into the Mustang Mk.IV’s RAF service in Western Europe, and interesting accounts of the operational experiences of those who flew it. I recommend it to RAF Mustang aficionados.

Reviewed by Mark Davies

HyperScale is proudly supported by Squadron



In many P-51D histories the RAF’s Mustang Mk.IV often gets little more than a passing mention, if any at all. So it is a good thing to have a publication dedicated to the RAF’s late-war use of this Mustang variant.

This is the tenth in a series from Phileditions, all of which follow a similar format; in this case this being:

  • Glossary – Personnel, Ranks, Other, and Fighter Command Offensive Operation Codenames.

  • The Mustang Mk.IV – Brief development history and production serial numbers.

  • Squadron Usage – Operational accounts, claims and summaries of aircraft lost on operations and to accidents. Covering Nos. 225 Sqn, 65 Sqn, 611 Sqn, 19 Sqn, 122 Sqn, 154 Sqn, 234 Sqn, 303 (Polish) Sqn,442 (RCAF) Sqn, and in brief with other units.

  • In Memoriam – Pilots killed flying the Mustang Mk.IV.

The book features 30 or so photographs, most good, featuring the Mustang Mk IV, and a few with just aircrew. At the end are five nicely rendered full-page colour profiles. 



The book is available in four formats, printed paperback or downloadable in three digital formats from the publisher and others. The printed example’s quality of production is good, although on matt paper. I cannot comment on the appearance of the digital formats.





This series is quite specialized in nature with its focus firmly on squadron usage - hardly surprising given the series’ title!

The booklet gives a good insight into the Mustang Mk.IV’s RAF service in Western Europe, and interesting accounts of the operational experiences of those who flew it.

I recommend it to RAF Mustang aficionados.

Thanks to RAF-In-Combat.com for the review samples.

Review Copyright © 2016 by Mark Davies
This Page Created on 67June, 2016
Last updated 8 June, 2016

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