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Cold War Aircraft Modeller No.3


by Spencer Pollard

G.W.H.s 1/48 scale T-33A Shooting Star will be available online from Squadron.co.m




Cold War Aircraft Modeller No.3 - Here at Last!

After almost seven years, the next edition of this limited-run magazine, is finally set to return...

When Spencer left Traplet Publications seven years ago, he had in mind that he would create a little magazine project for himself, something that he would be able to control and that would in turn offer the chance to present his work how he saw fit without the constraints of advertising and other business needs. As a result of this he created two editions of the magazine (that have long-since sold out and are now seemingly collector’s items!) and then planned to move on to Issue Three.



Over the years that have passed he's been asked many times about this project, but work and other irritations(!) has always gotten in the way, and it is only now after creating the books that many of you have bought over the last year or so that he's able to release another. It may be another seven years before he get's around to Issue Four, but at least it’s a start



Following closely the design and philosophy of the earlier ‘How to Build…’ series ‘Cold War Aircraft Modeller’ offers the enthusiast everything that they need to build a collection of models in a variety of scales from this fascinating period of aeronautical history. Issue Three will include the following in-depth builds:

  • Hasegawa 1:48 A-4M Skyhawk

  • Revell 1:72 Avro Shackleton 

  • Zoukei-Mura 1:48 F-4J Phantom II

  • Kittyhawk 1:48 Su-17M3/M4 Fitter K

Each chapter deals with the construction and painting of the models, offering ideas, hints and tips and where needed, additional details on getting the best from each individual project. High quality paper, printing and layout, ensure that no detail is missed across the extended 60 pages of this new publication.



With the first 100 confirmed orders, readers will receive a frameable A4 print, offered on high-quality card stock that you can keep and hopefully hang in your office or workroom! So if you want one - be quick: once they are gone, they are gone...


  • Cold War Aircraft Modeller No.3 PREVIEW: Image
  • Cold War Aircraft Modeller No.3 PREVIEW: Image
  • Cold War Aircraft Modeller No.3 PREVIEW: Image
  • Cold War Aircraft Modeller No.3 PREVIEW: Image
  • Cold War Aircraft Modeller No.3 PREVIEW: Image
  • Cold War Aircraft Modeller No.3 PREVIEW: Image
  • Cold War Aircraft Modeller No.3 PREVIEW: Image
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For more information and the ordering information that you will need, please follow the link to his 'Kit Box' Blog where you will find everything that you need.


Thanks to Spencer Pollard for the information and images

Review Text and Images Copyright © 2019 by Spencer Pollard
Page Created 7 June, 2019
Last updated 7 June, 2019

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