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North American P-51D Mustang
"Detroit Miss"

by Larry Goodell


P-51D Mustang
"Detroit Miss"





One of our citizens here in the Jacksonville area is Ernie Boyette. Ernie is an aviation artist and historian and about three times a year he brings in famous aviators. We have been privilaged to meet George Gay, Urban Drew, Paul Drury (Hellcats), Guy Bordelon, Frannz Stiegler (JG/27), Dalmazio Corradini (Savoia Marchetti S.79-IIs) and many more German and Allied aviators. 

Along with each appearance Ernie sponsors a model show and contest that are supported by many local modelers. It is quite an experience to be able to meet and personally talk with these well known flyers. 

Ernie gives each person that enters a model a free print of the evenings guests aircraft. Door prizes are a beautiful signed and framed famous aviators numbered print and he sets up a gallery of framed works (signed) for sale. Models and certificates are given to the contest winners with photos taken with the aviator and a signing session. I have an original of the "Old Exterminator" P-40 signed by Col. Bob Scott that Ernie traded to me for building the old Revell 1/32 model of said aircraft for Ernie's personal collection. 

This is one of my contest entries. It is the ever-beautiful "Detroit Miss" Tamiya's P51-D out of box with Super Scale Decals. Invasion stripes are masked and painted. Metalizer paints.

Ben Drew (left) and Larry Goodell

This aircraft was flown by Urban L. (Ben) Drew was the first American to shoot down a Messerschmitt Me 262. 

While in command of a mission on Oct. 7, 1944, they came over Achmer Airdrome where the famous Kommando Nowotny, armed with the new Me 262 jets was about to take off on their first operational mission against American bomber formations. Drew turned the Squadron. command over and he and his wingman went over and straight in on the runway behind the first two 262s already rolling. 

While pulling out Urban hit the second jet in the tanks causing it to explode. He flew through the fireball and caught the first jet trying to climb out and turn left. He shot most of the tail off and watched as the aircraft rolled over with the pilot bailing out. The next thing he knew the air was alive with anti-aircraft bursts. 

His wingman took out four gun implacements before he was hit and had to bail out over the enemy base. Ben made it back to England, but remembers bullets rolling around in his P51 like marbles. 

Ben Drew receive two Distinguished Flying Crosses and seventeen Air Medals. It was an honor to meet him.

Model, Text and Images Copyright © 2000 by Larry Goodell
Page Created 21 January, 2001
Last Updated 26 July, 2007

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