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P-51B Mustang

by Boyd Waechter



North American P-51B Mustang


Tamiya's 1/48 scale P-51B Mustang is available online from Squadron.com




Tamiya's beautiful 1/48 P-51B.

This is North American P-51B-5-NA 43-6636 Ill Wind? as flown by Capt Nicholas Megura, 334 FS 4th FG. The model is painted as it may have looked during April of 1944. Captain Magura scored 15 victories, and was awarded the DFC. He was mistakenly shot down by a P-38, on May 22, 1944, “Cowboy” Megura crash-landed P-51B, QP F and was interned in Sweden for the duration of the war.



The Tamiya 48th scale P-51B kit received the following modifications and additions:

1. The Cockpit was enhanced with the Medallion resin set.

2. Various details were added to the cockpit, i.e. radio wiring, placards etc.

3. Internal detail was added to the intake and cooling system.

4. Plumbing & sway braces were added to the 108-gallon fuel tanks.

5. The landing gear wells were detailed.

6. Various panels were masked off and painted differing shades of OD and Neutral Gray.

7. The decals are from Aeromaster



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Model, Text and Images Copyright © 2000 by John Trueblood
Page Created 22 July, 2001
Last Updated 19 August, 2001

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