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Caudron C.635

by Mike Grant


Caudron C.635


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Here is Heller's 1/72 Caudron C.635

I've had this kit on my shelf for at least 9 years. Periodically I'd take it down, look at the 2-piece vertically split canopy and the crusty decals, and put it back where it came from. Finally, several weeks ago I decided to 'get it over with' and make room for another kit on the shelf.

The Heller model is actually really good for its age. The fit of parts is excellent and the raised panel lines are acceptably fine (and since they represent stringers on the fuselage side I left them alone). The canopy was a problem though. It was a real fiddle getting the 2 halves to fit in the opening. I glued them first with Humbrol Clearfix, and once happy with the position sealed all the edges with Superglue. The Clearfix acts as a seal and prevents the Superglue vapours fogging up the inside of the transparencies.

As if a two-piece canopy wasn't bad enough, Heller would have you glue the instrument panel into the inside of the windscreen; as expected, it eventually fell off and disappeared into the darkest recesses of the cabin, where it remains. Very little can be seen of the interior anyway, so my only additions were simple seat harnesses.


I had absolutely no references of the particular plane I was modelling so I relied heavily on the Heller box-art. I gave the finished model several undercoats of a pale-cream colour, then several more coats of Polly-Scale 'Signal Yellow'. After a few coats of Future I wet-sanded it all, sprayed a few more coats and polished it up, ready for the decals. I made these on my ALPS (if anyone's interested in a set for their Heller Caudron please e-mail me) and applied them in sections. Another light coat of Future sealed everything in.

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Model, Images and Text Copyright © 2002 by Mike Grant
Page Created 27 May, 2002
Last Updated 27 May, 2002

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