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F-16D Falcon

by Troy Jones



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This is a F-16D from the Bahrain Ameri Air Force. It is one of the original twin seaters bought for the BAAF under Peace Caravan I and later updated to Peace Caravan II standards. Modifications include AMRAAM, the Lantrin Targeting Pod, and LGB capability.

My BAAF F-16D is made up from a Hasegawa 1/48 F-16B with parts added from the Hasegawa 1/48 F-16C Block 50 kit.

I added the AMRAAMs, landing gear doors, wheels, LAU launchers, and 'big mouth intake' from a F-16C that a friend was going to back date to an early F-16C. The GBU's are from the Hasegawa weapons set and the Lantrin Targeting pod is from the Hasegawa F-16C 'Night Attack' kit. I ''droped" the guidance noses on the LGB's and scratch built an intake cover. Other than that the model is built OOB's (out of boxes).

Decals are "Mike Grant Decals, Bahrain Ameri Air Force". I highly recomend them and I have a review of them on my web site http://members.tripod.com/little_t_and_a/

The model was finished with Gunze paints applied with an Aztek airbrush.



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Model, Images and Text Copyright © 2002 by Troy Jones
Page Created 04 May, 2002
Last Updated 04 May, 2002

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