F-100 Super Sabre
in Detail and Scale

Printed Book
S u m m a r y : |
Title and ISBN: |
F-100 Super Sabre in Detail and Scale
by Bert Kinzey and Rock Roszak
Volume 11
Detail & Scale Aviation Publication
ISBN: 9798655632578 |
Contents & Media: |
Print format, though a digital edition also exists |
Price: |
Soft Cover Print Edition USD$19.99 plus shipping
available online from Detail & Scale Publications |
Review Type: |
First Read. |
Advantages: |
Well written and detailed; photos are first rate; profile artwork is the usual standard that you expect from Detail and Scale. |
Disadvantages: |
Conclusion: |
This is another great book from Detail and Scale. |
Reviewed by Floyd S. Werner Jr.

This 11th book in the Detail & Scale series on individual aircraft. The book is available in paperback and digital versions. I’ll be looking at the printed version. Printed first in 1980 and subsequently reprinted and expanded. This is an even better version of those books. It is completely new. There are 102 pages printed on good quality paper.
This latest book covers the Super Sabre throughout history. It follows the development from the prototype to the F-107A. The aircraft served in Vietnam, as well as, foreign users all the way to the end of its life as drone targets. The aircraft served as a fighter and fighter bomber. It also served as a photo recon platform. The aircraft performed additional missions including Fast FAC and the first Wild Weasel missions. The aircraft is often credited with the first air to air kill of the Vietnam War.

Inside the book are numerous color photographs and beautiful profiles done by Rock Roszak. Especially interesting are some of the foreign and display teams.
There is a chapter that covers the Super Sabre in Southeast Asia. The Sabres were the first aircraft shot down during the war and also the first aircraft to shoot down a MiG. In addition to flying MiGCAP, the Super Sabre was used extensively as a fighter bomber. The very first Wild Weasels were flown by the F-100. The differences in the Wild Weasel aircraft are shown in pictures and drawings. These will prove essential to the modeler. Another mission that the F-100 was ideally suited was the Misty FAC, or the fast FAC.

No Detail & Scale book would be complete without detail photos of. One of the great things about these new D&S books is the extensive use of color photos. This is especially helpful with this section. The different variants are covered in detail from the F-100A to the F-100F. This section alone is worth the price of admission. There is a lot of information in this section. The armament and wing stores section is particularly valuable.
Then the section that is the hallmark of a Detail & Scale book, the modelers section. Everything from 1/175th to the Trumpeter 1/32nd scale are covered. The more readily available ones are covered more extensively. There are some beautiful models included, as well as, the usual what is right and wrong with each kit.
As with this entire series, this is a great book for those with any interest in the F-100. Aimed at the modeler this book delivers the good to detail your model, regardless of scale. The photos are phenomenal, especially the color ones. The beautiful profile views are inspirational. This book, and the entire series, is the perfect blend of information for the modeler. In book form this is a great reference, in the digital version I’m sure it is even better.
This book is typical for the whole Detail & Scale line of books and eBooks. They are thoroughly researched, lavishly illustrated and a one stop shop for the model builder. This book is a great addition to any library. It is also available in Kindle version which offers additional options like the ability to enlarge photos. Still for those old school like me, I enjoy the ability to have a book in my hand. The photos and drawings are first rate. The detail photos are really useful for any modeler. The information is really informative for the historian.
Another great addition to the Detail & Scale library.
Highly Recommended
Thanks to Detail & Scale for the review copy. You can get yours on Amazon.com at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08BW5Y3SR
Thanks to Detail & Scale or the sample.
Review Copyright © 2020 by Floyd S. Werner Jr.
This Page Created on 11 November, 2020
Last updated
11 November, 2020
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